Jarle Tungeland
02 Dec

There's nothing like just getting it done. Planning and creating a budget for the trip.

Be punctual, take breaks, turn on your head, be present and the memories will be much better for you and your travel companions.

Norway is a long country with a beautiful coastline. Miscalculating time is perhaps the biggest mistake you can make. If you miss one or more highlights... The rest of the trip may be a bit underestimated according to the highlights on the road. So take your time, find the right tools. But we see that more people are using digital maps and signposts, which unfortunately do not keep up with delays, road markings, roadworks and or traffic.

We have tried with our site to include as many important tools as possible under our TRAVELER menu. So that the ability to calculate trips becomes closer to reality in both time and cost. Avoid detours, if you strictly don't have to. Plan your route here via our link TRAVELER - TAXITUR.

A fairly common picture on Norwegian roads

Road maintenance is something we in Norway are far behind with lags. Even though Norway is considered a relatively rich country, the topography on many of the roads is also very special. There are steep mountain sides, very curvy, narrow and partly poor standard. But, it will recover a bit over time. But take into account when planning your visit to Norway that delays often occur on the road. Unfortunately, there may be some queues like this even during peak holiday times.

We wish you all the best on your next trip to Norway, and if you have any tips for more things we could include under our TRAVELER menu, please send us a message.
