Jarle Tungeland
12 Nov

This road trip cost NOK 160,000: After about four miles behind the wheel, the Hadeland resident was stopped by the police on a Saturday morning at the end of September. Samples taken an hour later showed a blood alcohol level of 0.7.

Photo has no relevance to this matter.

It led to an 18-day suspended sentence, but it probably stings at least as much with a fine of NOK 160,000.

The man has an income of millions, and the fine for drink-driving is, as is known, one and a half gross monthly wages. "It must be so high that it has a good general and individual preventive effect", the judgment states.

Photo has no relevance to this matter.

Long time without a driver's license

The man received some reduction in his prison sentence for his confession, and no dangerous situations arose on the car journey. He was also alone in the car.
But it is aggravating anyway that he drove that far, and driving under the influence of drugs exposes both the driver himself and other road users to danger.
In addition to a suspended prison sentence and a fine, the man must manage without a driving license for 16 months. After that, he must take a new driving test to get it back.

Photo has no relevance to this matter.

Briefly summarized:

Our assessment is therefore never drive a car if you are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
It may seem simple, but the holiday or business trip can be a total disaster for your wallet, your job, your colleagues and your family. And last but not least, should you run over someone or involve third parties. Would the crisis be a fact.

Rent a car with a driver, and enjoy the trip, 
it will also be far cheaper than gambling with life and health.